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Kazuo Lim Khee Boon | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Edmund Li27-Jul-2019 03:50
amazing gallery
Ramesh Patel 22-Feb-2013 18:36
Beautiful pictures of carvings at Cambodian temples. Enjoyed them a lot.
Guest 06-Dec-2011 02:32
Hi Boon!! So nice to be in touch. Your pictures are amazing!! Thank you so much for all our lovely Bali pics and for being the life and soul of the party! Do keep in touch. Stiniyamus!!
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon27-May-2011 11:36
Hi, Foo.. Ya ya. Sure I remember you. :) I'm glad you found the bungalow at last. Nice to hear from you again. Have a nice weekend!
Do pay a visit from my travel web from time to time.
There are already many places being updated since then. :)
Foo Ah Long 27-May-2011 06:22
Hi Kazuo Lim
Chanced upon your web site again after over a year when I again searched for Bukit Cendana's latest news-Cendana Hikaton 2010. If you remembered well, I had enquired from you about this hill (or precisely the ruin bangalow)1-2 years ago. Its really nice to view your site again.

Best Regards

F A Long.
krishna 01-May-2011 10:44
GR8 pic! i like it.... ^_^
Sally Verstege 14-Feb-2011 01:02
Hello Boon,
I finally got a chance to go through more of your photos galleries...I love the depth of field you get on you photos.
I had to stop though as I am getting to hundgry looking at this wonderful food.
Incrediable gallery...look forward to seeing more
You have inspired me!
Incrediable galleries of Photos.
Look forward to see more!
Patty 06-Feb-2011 02:25
Hi Boon!! Love your photos!! But I couldn't see the ones of a foggy Hong Kong. =)
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon26-Jul-2010 23:09
Hi, Brian. Great to know that you love Georgetown. Penang always welcome everyone! :) Looking forward for your return, there many places, festival & etc awaiting for you to explore. :) have a nice day!
Brian K. H. Yim26-Jul-2010 14:12
I visited George Town in my last vacation. The city gave me so much fantastic memory, either in nice citizen, historical heritages and the excellent hotel, E&O. All of them are great and I really hope that I could visit Penang in near future.
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon26-Jun-2010 20:26
Thanks Lee. Appreciate for the compliments. Yes, stay tune... more upcoming trip with more photos are in Q. :)
LHY 26-Jun-2010 06:03
Hi Khee Boo,
You have very nice photos and i like it very much.
Hope to see more photos in the near future especially those places that i have never being there before and after viewing the photos i'm enlighten and i want to go there for a Visit.
Thank you!
Keep up your inspiration and good jobs.
John Glines25-Feb-2010 07:35
Thanks for leaving a comment on my photo of the colorful gate in Hue. I loved that city. It has some really extraordinary architecture.
Azik 16-Feb-2010 03:56
Hey...your pics refreshing mind. I live in Bali and never visit Goa Gajah. But I really will visit it after seeing your pics.

Thanks a lot for sharing.


i_Noz 02-Dec-2009 09:12
What a nice trip. it's really wonderfull life. Enak ya jadi Boon.
Lae Samosir 23-Sep-2009 03:40
Hi.. Boon
foto Pulau samosir yang kamu orang potret bagus bagus ya,, salam selalu kalu kamu orang ke Pulau Samosir lagi kabar kabari lagi..
Guest 17-May-2009 14:35
Dear Sir
We have recently taken a tour of Thailand. It was just profounly beautiful. I very much would like to compliment our amateur pictures. Thus I am writting for permission to download your pictures of Thailand. This will be for personal use only and for our personal pleasure.
Peter Battaglia 17-May-2009 14:34
Dear Sir
We have recently taken a tour of Thailand. It was just profounly beautiful. I very much would like to compliment our amateur pictures. Thus I am writting for permission to download your pictures of Thailand. This will be for personal use only and for our personal pleasure.

I do hope this message went to Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Andi_Joli 17-Apr-2009 09:38
saya butuh barang antik.dimana bisa mendapatkannya.
tolong infonya
anton 14-Jan-2009 15:46
mr boon what a beautifull picture,,its cure me from homesick all these yaer,,all bout bali,,thanks any way
Gloria 18-Dec-2008 06:10
Hi, Boon,

I just came back from Chiang Mai & visited the Wat Rong Khun. The Wat was beautiful especially during December cool and winding. I also bought book regarding the history of the temple. The view and the art pieces were fantastic. Kids said the temple just like the Barbie's castle.

Toncho Rusev15-Dec-2008 22:34
Fantastic galleries!
Davidjohn12-Jul-2008 07:02
Such fantastic work. Would love to be as skilled as you one day.
senglee 16-Jun-2008 09:52
Hi Boon,

Very nice collection of pics. Me and my friends intend to visit Mae Sai (Golden Triangle) by end 2008. May I know whether it's safe over there? Saw your Mae Sai pics and very few cars. Hope u can enlighten us of our interest to go to the Golden Triangle.
Tq so much.

joyce 12-Jun-2008 01:23
John Glines22-May-2008 19:39
Where is Banjar and Brahma Vihara Arama? This temple is reminds me so much of Borobudur in Java.
New 01-May-2008 16:52
Hey,guy have many nice pics. I will going to danau toba next month.
Muliawan 23-Mar-2008 17:39
Hai Boon, sungguh bagus gambar2nya, seperti melancong sendiri rasanya. Ingin melihat gambar2 awak selanjutnya. Thanks.
imelda 03-Mar-2008 14:43
terima kasih untuk foto2 dari medan.Sungguh menghibur mengingat saya jauh dari my hometown,medan.
edmundli26-Feb-2008 11:00
Hi Boon,

Very nice gallery there, nice design and nice pics.
pavel hovorka 08-Jan-2008 23:13
Hai Boon
krásné, nádherné, nice, wonderful ...
Angela 02-Jan-2008 17:07
Hi Boon, thank you for this unbelievable picture collection which i can call the best I`ve ever seen. Thank You for letting us see the beauties of the world because of your talent to capture them. I used to live in Bkk and so I mostly enjoy looking at your photos of places in Thailand. best Regards, Angela from Germany
Mark Oberschmidt 30-Nov-2007 12:48
Thanks for your great photos of Thailand. My family and I visited there this past summer and also worked there many years ago. We love as you do evidenced by your photos

Mark Oberschmidt
Rana 19-Nov-2007 10:10
Thanks for sharing your nice travel photos.

Isa 15-Nov-2007 02:53
Atma Namaste Kazuo:

What an amazing journey you must have had while visiting all this beautiful places, thank you for sharing this journey with us throught your pictures! It is priceless!
I was guided to you web site while looking for the right picture of Buddha Kwan Yin, I want to write about her in my web site, would you share your picture with me?
Love and light,
Razak 08-Nov-2007 05:22
Hai Boon,

Gambar-gambar yang menarik sungguh mempersonakan,Terima kasih.
seronok melayarinya.

Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:34
One world. Stunning.
John Glines25-Mar-2007 15:34
Thanks for your compliment on my photo of Jong Kham Lake, at night, in Mae Hong Song. And thru y our compliment, I got to visit some of your galleries, which I enjoyed very much.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 10:36
I admit you got talent. Now I'm jealous.
Guest 06-Nov-2006 12:32
Hi Kazuo,

The photo looks like from the profesional photographer. Keep it up.
Anyway where's our picture with Mr Tan Bian Eee last time at EQ.
sundar 06-Nov-2006 06:50
Hi Kazoo san,

How are?.hope you still remember me.....we was working together in agilent for quiet some time......well you pic's really awesome....i just came back from Austria after biz trip. I visited italy, croatia, regensburg(Germany), Paris,Bosnia and many more other places. I think you should plan to go down there one day.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best Regards,
Silvia 02-Nov-2006 16:15
Hallo Boon,

ich habe deine E-Mail Adresse und das Passwort bei meinem letzten Computerabsturz verloren!!! Melde dich bitte!!
Ich habe Fotos aus Shanghai mit BLAUEM Himmel - Interesse???
Es ist immer wieder schön, Bilder aus der "alten Heimat" zu sehen - weiter so.

Jungwoo Kim 20-Oct-2006 08:09
Hello Boon,

I'm senior editor of MorningCalm magazine.
Please check your gmail.

Best regards
Rose 14-Sep-2006 12:43
Hello Boon,

I just came back from is so nice. I also when to Italy and Venice, saw some lakes. Wow...that's so owesome. Maybe we should go there together one day.

On my flight back to Malaysia I am wondering what are you doing? First things I want to do is to have a look in your website.It is so amazing...I'm so impressed of you.Right words for you is GREAT & EXTRA-ORDINARY pictures!

I had though about you several times but didn't manage to contact. How are you now? Hopefully you are in good health.

I have lots of thing to do. Apart from it I'm searching for German Course...maybe you have some contact.Or maybe you can be my teacher ;) probably i need a certificate for it.David has plans for me to study overthere. But I don't know how I should start. I did check in internet but it doesn't really help.

Well anyway, it is so nice to see your website. Interesting pictures! Hope we can keep in touch.

Warm Regards,
Danny Wong 11-Sep-2006 01:14
Hi Kazuo,
Excellent site, Excellent Photo & Excellent references for travel.
Caroline 31-Aug-2006 09:01
Hi, Kazuo,

Your site look very great and amazing!!! I love this site very much!!
Continue your efforts , i will support u. What your comment on digital camera (Konica KD-510Z)that u use now? I plan to buy for another digital camera. Now i'm using Canon Ixus 500.U have any suggestion?
Carri 17-Aug-2006 04:49
Gruezi, Super Site betreibt Ihr hier!!! Das kann sich wirklich sehen lassen...
Daniel 17-Aug-2006 01:55
Andrew 28-Jul-2006 11:47
Good site - you're a pretty good writer..... Very creative...
Hung 26-Jul-2006 10:10
Hi Kazuo,
Amazing Site,lucky me found your site :)
you have a nice collections of photo
Shwimmer 23-Jul-2006 14:22
Good site - you're a pretty good writer..... Very creative...
Kraus 22-Jul-2006 10:58
Hi!!! Excellent resource you've got here!!! Will definately be back!!!
Nick 16-Jul-2006 10:24
Gruezi, Super Site betreibt Ihr hier!!! Das kann sich wirklich sehen lassen...
JsKhoo 14-Jul-2006 01:52
Hi Kazuo
Good site and Thanks for the wonderful photos.

Emily 06-Jul-2006 10:07
Hi!!! Excellent resource you've got here!!! Will definately be back!!!
Ruben 05-Jul-2006 10:10
Good site - you're a pretty good writer..... Very creative...
Morales 04-Jul-2006 09:33
Good job, here and there!!! Keep it up, I like your guestbook!!! Please add your comments at my :)
Alistair MacDonald 26-Jun-2006 15:29
Hi Kazuo

I came across your web page looking for something on Japan. You have a wonderful collection of photos. I worked for HP for 25 years before starting my own company so when I saw Agilent Avago event I took a look. I remember on a visit to the west side of Penang walking out on the pier even though it looked quite dangerous. There was a restaurant close to the pier where we had excellent fish for lunch.

Paul Smirnoff 16-Jun-2006 13:19
I love this site, there is so much information to be found. Thank you.
Guest 08-Jun-2006 02:44
no word can describe other than " GREAT JOB & AMAZING".Probably you can open up Kazuo Photo Shop in the near term. Don't waste your natural talent.
Susi Eggert 07-Jun-2006 23:00
Very exceptional pieces of information. Very nice webpage though. I applaud!

Welcome to my
Guest 15-May-2006 17:40
Hi,Kazuo Lim Khee Boon
Thank for visited in my gallery.your gallery is nice picture in travel.I wish you happy in photography.Thank for share .

Cynthia 05-May-2006 16:18
Hi Kazuo, you have a truly impressive gallery of photos and I m amazed by how places you have travelled to.And envious too! :) I came across your site when searching for Phitsanulok. I didn't think a lot of Malaysians have been there. Did you stop by at the Rainforest Resort by any chance?
Happy travelling and snapping!
Angeline Tan 04-Apr-2006 07:32
Hi Boon,

This is my first time viewing your I was searching for photos
for Colmar Tropicale Resort..
I must say you are really great in photography..
Like yourself, I am also a avid photobug..and have taken many photos while I travel
to places like Himalayas Nepal, India, Bangkok, Montreal, local-Singapore, etc.
I will be most happy to share my travel link to you. What is your email ?

Thanks for the wonderful really make my day when I am stress....

Angeline Tan

Jack Chuang 25-Mar-2006 15:44
Hey Kazuo! Whoa, love your pictures man. When I own a D-SLR, I'll go photo-hunting with you.

(Celebrity Fitness)
Plona 05-Mar-2006 21:12
Hi Boon,
Found your photo collection while searching for holiday suggestions. I have visited a lot of the same places you have. I even had the opportunity of visiting Penang twice. Seeing your beautiful photos brought back a lot of nice holiday memories. I hope you will continue to travel and keep sharing your photos on the internet.
Best regards from Amsterdam,
azral 08-Feb-2006 20:38
Hey Buddy,

your photos are great. In my opinion you can be a professional photographer.Keep up a good work. Your pictures about Thailand and Bali are great. I might visit there oneday.

Guest 27-Jan-2006 05:20
Hi Kazuo Lim,

You have a nice collections of photo, in particullary Malaysia. I am a Malaysian working in Singapore. I chanced upon your gallery when I did a search on 'Ipoh'. Keep shooting and sharing.

Happy Chinese New Year.

Kazuo Lim Khee Boon01-Jan-2006 08:01
Hi, Azhar. Thanks and appreciate for the compliments. Yes, Malaysian BOLEH!!. I always feel proud to be Malaysian. Cheers, Kazuo.
Azhar 31-Dec-2005 11:58
Kazuo,excellent job!!.you're the true malaysian.keep it up and one day you should become pro in this hobby.
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon30-Dec-2005 08:37
Hi,S.Chet. Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I just bought my new camera few months ago, most of the galleries here are still take with Konica KD-510Z digital camera. Overall photos inside gallery of Thailand 2006 were taken with Nikon D50 digital SLR.

Happy New Year 2006. :-)

Best wishes,
Gary Kong 29-Dec-2005 16:58
U're doing a great job. You just bought a new Nikon D50? Nice photos and well keep collectioons. Keep up a good job and hope to see more wonderful photos from you. Indirectly, you're doing your part to promote Penang to outside world. Great Job !
Guest 16-Dec-2005 14:54
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon :)
I am can thanks for your time for visiting my website.i hope you enjoy is free encylopedia and yes all written turkish.
John Glines16-Dec-2005 06:41
Visited your galleries again & am still very impressed. Some really wonderful work.
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon08-Dec-2005 23:45
Hi, Erina & Janathan. Thanks for the compliments. Cheers, Boon
Guest 08-Dec-2005 18:03
nice collection of Thaipusam photo you have in the gallery.
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon08-Dec-2005 05:16
Merhaba, Aktap

Teþekkürler. Thanks for taking your time visiting my website. Well, I had visited the website that stated by you too. I think it should all written in Turkish right?

Adýnýz ne?

can aktaþ 07-Dec-2005 18:41
you have very nice site ...
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon05-Dec-2005 13:55
Hi, Max

Xie xie ning de zan shang. :-) Thanks for the compliments. Had visited the URL that you mentioned. That's really awesome. :-) Cheers, Boon.
Max 04-Dec-2005 20:34
hey, man, ur pictures r really nice!

maybe u have interesting to visit taiwan's photoweb. ^^
John Glines24-Nov-2005 05:44
Thanks for your comment on my Ankor gallery. I've really enjoyed looking at a lot of your galleries.
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon09-Sep-2005 00:26
Hi, Brando. Thanks for taking your time to browse through my flowers collection gallery and thanks for the compliments too. I had visited your website and you are a great photographers as well. I observed that you have a great zoom lens, that must be very expensive. Cheers,Boon (Penang Island)
Brando Ho08-Sep-2005 14:49
Hello Lim,
I just stopped by your wonderful flora gallery. Many different mixtures of flowers. Great color contrast....excellent shots. I will stop back soon to see more..... :-)
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon17-Aug-2005 12:14
Hi Derek Daniel. Thanks for visiting my photos webpage. Glad to hear from you, do keep in touch then. Have a nice day. Cheers, Boon
derek daniel 16-Aug-2005 17:14
excellent site!!! well done! Very nice pictures. And you are a great person. See you someday soon! thanks
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon12-Aug-2005 15:02
Hola, Mireia y Xevi

Como estas? Gald to hear from you. :-) Muchas gracias. Encantado! Mucho gusto en conocerle. I am glad you like my photos webpage. Yeah!! That's very scary somehow adventures inside the Bat Cave. Same goes to the Canopy Walk, that's really fun. Do keep in touch then. :-) My next trip will be backpacking to Bali, Indonesia (31st August ~ 05th Sept 2005). I will be updating my webpage once I am back from the trip. Find out more next month. :-) I guess you are still in Malaysia right? Well, have a nice weekend.

Hasta luego... mi amigos.

mireia vilalta 12-Aug-2005 13:49
hi guys! We are the spanish couple that were with you in taman negara trip! we have just visited your web site and must say that the photos are great! good job! you are professional photographers! thanks to you now we can show everybody the bats cave we visited! uuuuuuuuuh so funny now but so scary there! hahaha
best regards!
mireia and xevi
Kazuo Lim Khee Boon29-Jul-2005 14:25
Vielen Dank für die Kompliment.
Guest 28-Jul-2005 13:48
Hallo Boon,
sehr gute Fotos.
CLICK! Magazine 13-Apr-2005 08:57
Great images you have there. Are you from Penang? We were wondering if are interested in participating in CLICK! Magazines "Photographic Tour: Penang"? Its a 3-day even that is going to be held on the 3rd-5th of June 2005. Besides participation, you may also help out in this 'tour' as an experienced/professional photographer. There will be a token of appreciation. If you're interested email us, or call our office in Petaling Jaya, 03-7726 6515. Thank You.
AddamBlack 21-May-2004 06:23
hey ya! name is adam and i am a student from MMU. my lecturer wants me to find inf on local photographer and i guess i wanna choose u as my local photographer....all i need is ur profile is in biodata, ur equipment for photography, why u interested, the story of ur photograhpy world, and awards if u have any....i need this for my photography class....and i only have till this coming thursday(27may2004)...if u happen to read this before the date written, plz reply to me to u just can call me to this number...017-3214862...u can give the info by wednesday...plz...thanx...
BTW...i like ur pics...nice